Hooked on Adventure

Exploring the World of Fly Fishing with April Vokey

Join myself and Haul Fly Fishing for our yearly all-inclusive two-day fly-fishing 101 event in the picturesque town of Tumut. Whether you're a complete novice or an experienced angler looking to refine your skills, this event promises an unforgettable experience....
I refused to troll for gamefish. The idea of casually lounging in a gas-guzzling mini-yacht, trusting deckhands to help me catch fish—all while sitting in a dentist chair? No thanks....
Andy and I have shared a number of conversations around catch and release, the "keep them wet" campaign, and fishing to fish on redds. He recently asked if he could...
I don’t know why I was so surprised to hear Dubai has good fishing. For years I assumed the city to be a major dustbowl of wealth, high-rises, restrictions, and...
I always knew I’d split my year between two countries, but I never thought Australia would be one of them. Every November I leave Canada's harsh winter to look for...
Ironically, it was when the river pushed at my knees that I felt the most grounded; when the road lead me to mossy overgrowth that I felt the safest; when...
My first guiding job was hardly glamorous. A sturgeon and Pacific salmon guide on the Fraser river, I spent my summer mornings motoring through swirling back-eddies, and gaffing floating, rotten salmon. I...
I’d gotten used to the vacant expressions and slow polite nods. An unsure, “hmm” or furrowed brow conveyed an utter lack of understanding — not only for my occupation, but for...
I remember my first experience behind a fly-tying vise. Excited, I pushed an old VHS tape into the VCR — squirming as it wound and whirred until the faded image of...
April explains how to use the rhea feather in fly tying....
In 1948, Richard Waddington teamed with several biologists to write a revolutionary book titled Salmon Fishing - a new philosophy. I stumbled across the book during a conversation with...
Grease lining was a 1903 revelation that Wood stumbled upon one day while observing the behaviour of salmon and their disinterest to the deeply sunk fly. Across the world, anglers actively...
I am the owner of a 50 inch plasma television that sits perched on a storage unit shelf in a cardboard box. At least I think it's still there...
We took the show to New Brunswick to try and gain a better understanding of fly fishing's tradition and history. In the 1800's, Scottish loyalists and Englishmen brought their...
Last week at our Patagonia meeting, we were informed that Patagonia was having a hard time getting the last 10,000 signatures for an extremely serious proposal to crack down on...
Several years ago, I remember having a conversation with one of the leading film producers in fly fishing. He had managed to get me on board with the promise...