Hooked on Adventure

Exploring the World of Fly Fishing with April Vokey

Join myself and Haul Fly Fishing for our yearly all-inclusive two-day fly-fishing 101 event in the picturesque town of Tumut. Whether you're a complete novice or an experienced angler looking to refine your skills, this event promises an unforgettable experience....
Good afternoon Mr. Wagner, I felt it was only fair to inform you of a chain of emails (below) that quite directly points a finger at your decision to open the...
Once upon a time...

There was a young woman who graced poise and class.

Beautiful, adventurous, wild and determined, she fled a difficult past, riding the days away atop a small mare...

I love late nights. Emails slow, television airs tosh.O, the world around me sleeps and I let down my guard as I delight in a long awaited release of sarcasm, humor,...
Oh Mr. Dylan, how right you were… The times they are a changin’. In a world of social networking, computer graphic enhancement and online shopping carts, the times have...
My schedule is one that always rouses up questions from people who can't quite comprehend a life on the road. "How do you do it?", they ask. "With a smile,"...
It’s another one of those nights; quiet, cold, late and lifeless. Angry rain releases its fury onto the tin roof of my small guide cabin and wind-strewn branches scrape the...
It begins as a small trickle; a pattering of atonal drips and drops, melted glacial water droplets sing together in rhythm as they eventually harmonize into a powerful choir of...
British Columbia steelhead; wild, renowned, controversial, historical… These fish have no problem finding their way into our hearts and minds. Consequently, they have no hindrance finding their way into our literature...
Sometimes all you can do is laugh... If it weren’t for the opened turned pages of my MCI study guide, this post would never be written. You see, I’ve grown relatively immune...
Last year was a good year… healthy steelhead returns and many new friendships graced 2011, making high spirits soar. Perhaps that was the reason for a call in September asking my...
Every morning I read the brilliance of Max Ehrmann on my wall... he says it best....
This January I boarded the Air Canada aircraft and settled in for a long flight. Two and a half days of travel, 30 hours of actual air time, several airline transfers...
Well, we couldn’t have done it without you… At $13,500.00, we beat our goal of $12,000.00 and donated it to the Steelhead Society of BC for the Spius Creek (Thompson tributary)...
With frosted edges and delicate tips, it landed on my nose before softening and disappearing into the warmth of my skin. It was winter in western Canada and the trees were...